If we were having coffee – 2 April 2016

If we were having coffee, then we would just like last week be eating a lot of fruit. Because well S did go to the market after work today. We would be getting comfortable, sorry I have no nice sofa to recline on.

Solveig's MugIf we were having coffee then I would tell you that I met an old friend this morning, he actually knows me since I was little one’s age, so for quite some years (around 25 years), he is an extra dad, or a self picked godfather (I am not baptised, which gives me the advantage of handpicking my own godparents). We had a nice chat in a café near by, if you want to we could go there for a drink. Once I came back home little one demanded to go to bed with me…

If we were having coffee, then I would ask you if you are here because you are going to run the Paris Marathon tomorrow, are you? It’s the 40th Paris marathon, so I might actually have a look. Today I already crossed paths with some runners spotting Breakfast Run shirts, holding onto a bottle of Vittel and a Banana. I really do hope that security wise everything will be ok.

If we were having coffee, then I would tell you how S and I were very suddenly sick this week. I had a headache, a fever, got sick during the night, sore throat. I have a problem with hives on my feet, which erupted really badly and I still have little red dots on my hands, and my toenails did hurt too. Luckily my Tuesday morning student had cancelled, else I would not have been able to teach her.

How have you been this past week? No strange illness I hope! Did you see that Coffee Shares are featured on the Daily Post?! Is that how you came across it?

I have been doing coffee shares since May last year, and I absolutely love it! I have met many good friends through this weekly linkup, and I try to participate ever so often. It is of course not always possible. If you are still hesitating to join in, stop that! and join in! the community is very welcoming and encouraging. Of coures there are weeks were I have less time to comment and visit, but during others I am on fire.

I stumbled across the coffee shares during the A to Z Challenge, as various blogs that I had started to follow were joining the #WeekendCoffeeShare.

Back to the topic of the A to Z Challenge… So, if we were having coffee then I would tell you that this is my second year participating in the A to Z Challenge, I have no posts prewritten at the moment, but that is absolutely fitting for authenticity. In fact I had a different post written for today, but then I decided to change the post. I will be writing letter by letter in the order of the alphabet, so maybe today I will be writing a bit more than c. Just before the challenge hit off I shared some tips of how to make sure that your blog is ready for the challenge, and actually I must say that these things are true, also for the weekend coffee share… check it out here! Tomorrow, I am going to share my stats of the first quater of 2016, because, you have guessed it, I am a stats nerd…

As you have probably a lot of blogs to visit during this weekend between the A to Z Challenge and the #WeekendCoffeeShare, I am going to wish you a very pleasant weekend and good week ahead.

If you want to join in with your own post, then you can join the linkup on Diana’s blog Part-Time Monster.

© Solveig Werner 2016. All rights reserved.

26 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 2 April 2016

  1. Hope you’re feeling better now! My daughter had the same thing a few weeks back, and had hives with it too. Have a great week, thanks for the coffee. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really hope that this constant sickness of everyone will very quickly stop being… I feel much better, thank you! Have a great weekend! I do hope you will start joining the coffee shares, maybe this weekend or at another moment, they are definitely worth it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Solvieg. I hope you feel better soon! I’ve been in Boston as they prepare for the Marathon and it does get very busy. Some day I’d like to run a Marathon. Perhaps if I ever do i can try the one in Paris. Actually, I just want to visit Paris again, Marathon or no.

    Have a great week! Feel better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, thanks for stopping by Trent, now that there are so many other posts to chose from…
      Normally I encounter the runners after the marathon, as I am not that far from the Arc de Triomphe…
      Well, do let me know when you will be in Paris, if I am still here then we shall have a real life coffee share.
      I am feeling a lot better, the red dots on my hands luckily don’t keep me from typing. My fiancé on the other hand currently has very sensitive finger tips, not so good for typing…
      Have a great week and first a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m trying to hit all of them, but of course I take more time with old friends. Well, I guess we’ve know each other about a year, which is old enough in the blogosphere….
        If you are still there the next time I go to Paris I will let you know. It might be a while though – our travel has been very limited since we bought the cottage on Cape Cod! And our next destination will most likely be Cuba since it will soon be open to American travelers again. But Paris is always my favorite city.
        Glad you’re feeling better. I hope your fiancé’s hives get better so he can type.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the coffee and fruit! I’m on a craving kick for peaches. Thing is, I never cared for them before! How weird, right?
    I do hope you are feeling better though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome, sorry no peaches on offer today. Strawberries or grapes? Bananas, oranges, kiwis or pears? but no peaches. That sure is a strange craving.

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  4. I was also excited to see the Weekend Coffee Share get some publicity. It is one of my favorite parts of blogging and like you said, the community is so great and supportive. Glad your sudden illness passed. There are all kinds of weird viruses out there. Take my word for it, I work in an elementary school!! Have a nice week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In an Elementary School, I guess you are either sick all the time or you have an amazing immune system. It’s so great that there has been some publicity. I guess that with the A to Z Challenge many people are going to see it too, that’s at least how I found out about it last year!

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  5. It has been my first weekend coffee share. I really enjoyed writing the post, reading everyone else’s and have felt very welcome. Don’t think it will be my last post (and I don’t even like coffee!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Be careful they are addictive, just as coffee can be… I don’t drink coffee either.
      Just on a side note, your name when commenting is not liked to a blog, your picture leads to your gravatar where I can see the whole list, so that’s great, but you might want to put a direct link for your name. You can do that here: https://wordpress.com/me under account settings just enter your main blog/website so people can find you without too many clicks (many people dislike clicking too many times to find others…)
      Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Good luck with the Paris run. Like ou I hope security is in place and we see only the good part of the run. It was greatvthat Weekend Coffee Share got a plug on the Daily Post this week. See you next week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh there is no need to be jealous really!
      sorry for being so late with my reply, but we have been interacting since this post…


  7. Sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I hope you’re feeling much better. I like that you got to catch up with a dear friend, that’s always a great way to spend time and lighten a heavy week. Have a great weekend. Thanks for coffee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I shudder a bit at the thought of you going to the Paris marathon. I am seriously getting old and becoming risk averse. Bubble wrap is looking good. Haven’t heard anything on the news so it’s gone well. Phew! xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I do hope that you’re feeling better—sorry to hear about the hives!

    Also, I love this idea of a hand-picked godparent. It’s not a concept I’d heard of before, but I think it’s a lovely one.

    Liked by 1 person

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