Some more Christmas Spirit! | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | The Advent Calendar Some more Christmas Spirit! If the 5 posts that were published so far for the very special Sunday of Advent weren't enough Christmas spirit. Then you might want to check out the following links. Overview of last year's Calendar -  24 Christmas posts by … Continue reading Some more Christmas Spirit! | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar

Christmas Lights by Lucy Brazier | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar Today is a special day for this Advent Calendar, instead of having two guests the calendar will be home to many contributions, by contributors who have been part of this year's calendar or will be part of it in the coming week. Christmas Lights by … Continue reading Christmas Lights by Lucy Brazier | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

Cherished by Sarah Brentyn | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar Today is a special day for this Advent Calendar, instead of having two guests the calendar will be home to many contributions, by contributors who have been part of this year's calendar or will be part of it in the coming week. Cherished by Sarah … Continue reading Cherished by Sarah Brentyn | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

Christmas, 24x7x365 by Trent McDonald | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar Today is a special day for this Advent Calendar, instead of having two guests the calendar will be home to many contributions, by contributors who have been part of this year's calendar or will be part of it in the coming week. Christmas, 24x7x365 by … Continue reading Christmas, 24x7x365 by Trent McDonald | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

Priceless Gifts from a Homeless Stranger By Russ Towne | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar Today is a special day for this Advent Calendar, instead of having two guests the calendar will be home to many contributions, by contributors who have been part of this year's calendar or will be part of it in the coming week. Priceless Gifts from … Continue reading Priceless Gifts from a Homeless Stranger By Russ Towne | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

Christmas Lights by Willow Willers | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

4th Sunday of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar Today is a special day for this Advent Calendar, instead of having two guests the calendar will be home to many contributions, by contributors who have been part of this year's calendar or will be part of it in the coming week. Christmas  Lights by … Continue reading Christmas Lights by Willow Willers | The Sundays of Advent | Day 18 | Advent Calendar 2016

Bedazzled by Teresa Karlinski | The Sunday’s of Advent | Advent Calendar 2016

3rd Sunday of Advent | Day 11 | Advent Calendar Bedazzled by Teresa Karlinski Dolores studied the bedraggled excuse for a tree. Branches drooped instead of bouncing proud and wide. What once passed for needles, the sparse boughs presented bristles and wire. The bottom limbs collapsed tired and spent, sweeping the floor like broken wings. She … Continue reading Bedazzled by Teresa Karlinski | The Sunday’s of Advent | Advent Calendar 2016

The Gift by Corina Carrasco | The Sundays of Advent | Day 11 | The Advent Calendar 2016

3rd Sunday of Advent | Day 11 | Advent Calendar The Gift by Corina Carrasco Vince had hidden the package from his wife for over a week. He was so excited to finally be able to give her this special gift. He had been so afraid that she would find the package that he had asked … Continue reading The Gift by Corina Carrasco | The Sundays of Advent | Day 11 | The Advent Calendar 2016

Demented Christmas Memories and Furniture Polish by S.D. Gates| The Sundays of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar 2016

2nd Sunday of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar Demented Christmas Memories and Furniture Polish by S.D. Gates It’s funny the things you remember from your childhood, strange memories that you don’t really share with anyone because they are just so whacky and odd.  I have several that always stick in my mind, and … Continue reading Demented Christmas Memories and Furniture Polish by S.D. Gates| The Sundays of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar 2016

It’ll Be Lonely This Christmas – Please by Geoff Le Pard | The Sundays of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar 2016

2nd Sunday of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar It’ll Be Lonely This Christmas - Please by Geoff Le Pard Carlton's face wore its weariness like a badge of honour. He leant back against the front door and sighed with relief. 'Alone at bloody last.' He exchanged a look with the cat who seemed … Continue reading It’ll Be Lonely This Christmas – Please by Geoff Le Pard | The Sundays of Advent | Day 4 | Advent Calendar 2016