A word of welcome

Hello there!

Welcome to my blog. This place on the internet has been around for a few years now. For a while I almost called it home. Now, I have been on quite a few breaks, but don’t let that keep you from enjoying my content.



What I do


My passion has always been living my creativity through writing. In 2015 I started writing my blog. It is quite eclectic as I share things such short stories, current affairs or snippets of my life.

Cours d’allemand

Je suis formatrice en allemand indépendante et convaincue que tout le monde peut apprendre cette langue qui est bien loin d’être morte, même si dans les écoles elle est souvent enseigné comme ci.

German Lessons

I work as a German teacher, both locally in Paris directly with my students as well globally via skype or zoom with. I believe that anyone can learn, if they are motivated and if they have the right teachers to accompany them.

Stop! There still is more!

Even though, I work as a German teacher, I have a huge passion for writing. Here are links to some of my favourite blog posts.

Something to read

My latest posts