If we were having coffee – 26/12/2015

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you to be quiet, little one is sleeping, she seems exhausted from Christmas…

zotter chocolate If we were having coffee, well then we would like always be having tea, and I would propose some Zotter Chocolates. We have more than on the picture, but these are mine. I had the right to order my own Christmas presents… S and I gave a lot of Chocolates to our families for Christmas, to give you an idea: I got a discount for quantity… In the new year I might do a review on all the chocolates we have at home, after all there are some new flavours to discover.

How have you been? With the advent calendar, I feel as if I have been a bit absent. I have been missing the coffee, erm tea shares lately.

How was is your Christmas? I’ll be sharing Christmas tree and decoration pictures soon. We had a great Christmas with my parents, my grandfather, and my sister. If you read my final post of the advent calendar, you’ll know that we discover the tree on the 24th. It was beautiful how little one walked into the forbidden room and was amazed, impressed. The room was filled with magic, and then my sister handed out lyrics for Christmas songs, and we sang a few, my girl did not know where to look, the ornaments on the tree grabbed her attention and so did our singing. Next year I guess that in December I’ll be practicing with her. As for the presets, I had no real wishes. There is a book by fellow blogger is slowly making its way to my house (apparently for February…), I received some biographies (as I love biographies…), and for our small family we got one of the best books ever, a collection of European fairy tales (it tells you who wrote/collected the story and what country it is from), lovingly illustrated.  Little one was all happy after unwrapping her first present, a little music box. A few years ago we started unwrapping our gifts one by one and by the age, I mean no one unwraps them all at once. The order was from the youngest till the oldest until there were no more presents left.

Ah, now it might be the 2nd day of Christmas (in Germany it is actually a public holiday for the 2nd Christmas Day), but I shall concentrate on other things. 24 days of not doing any regular things on my blog, does mean that I am longing to share all I can…

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you if you have enjoyed the Advent Calendar. Did you enjoy it? If you participated then I would like to thank you. I cannot thank you guys enough for all of these beautiful contributions!

If we were having coffee, then I’d let you know that there is a new series starting very soon on my blog (I already have two guest). I am still unsure if I should post a call for participation, or approach people instead. Did I pique your interest? Yes? I guess you are curious to know what I will be doing here. During the first two weeks of December the idea of a series where people share their traditions (not just religious) started forming. Once or twice every month I would like to have a guest share their traditions, the traditions of their town, country, family, neighbourhood, anything that has established itself as a tradition. I realised with the advent calendar that one tradition will be celebrated so differently from country to country, but also from family to family.

By now you are probably glaring at me because I am starting to ramble, it’s getting long I know, and I do not want to keep you from visiting other coffee sharers. I wish you a veery very Christmas once again! Hey we are only at day 2 of 12!

Many hugs from Paris! Solveig

© Solveig Werner 2015. All rights reserved.

32 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 26/12/2015

  1. It is lovely reading about a delightful and loving Christmas. I spent our Christmas Eve and Christmas in the Emergency Hospital with my husband. It turns out he needs surgery. So Christmas was not fun this year, for me; but it was a blessing reading about yours.


    1. Oh Gwynn, I am so sorry to hear this! I do hope that he’ll recover as soon as possible. I am sending many positive thoughts your way!


  2. Hi Solveig. I did enjoy your Advent Calendar. It was my pleasure participating. The sharing of traditions sounds interesting. Irene Waters said she is doing something similar. Perhaps the two of you could go back and forth and co-host something. I’m sure I’ll say “hi” in the mean time, but if not, have a very Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Trent, thanks for your comment. I think her idea is a bit different, but it comes close. By the looks of it she’ll be giving out a prompt, where as I am letting my visitor freely choose their tradition.
      Now let me ask you, do you have a tradition?
      Enjoy the rest of the year!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I must confess that in my family it is quite important and the keeping to the protocol can be quite annoying for people who aren’t so much into Christmas.

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  3. The advent calendar was really great; I’m going to have to catch up on a lot of the posts, but the ones I got a chance to read were fantastic—and I loved participating.

    Glad to hear that you had a lovely Christmas!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Diana for your lovely contribution! I hope that you’ll enjoy reading the other stories, I was overwhelmed by the sheer popularity. At first I thought that I’ll have 10 to 14 guests at the most, and in the end there were 21 guest bloggers, so I only did 3 of the 24 posts myself.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a marvelous thing, to have the tree in the “forbidden room” and then on the 24th your little one was finally able to discover it! What a wonderful description you wrote of her reaction to the beautiful tree and the Christmas carols. I did peek in on your advent calendar whenever I could. It was a nice feature for December. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess that next year I’ll do it again, it was such a great experience and experiment… And there are so many bloggers that are worth having as guests…
      I grew up with the forbidden room, and I insist on not being allowed in (that will be when Christmas will be at my house though), it does add to the magic, and even for adults.
      You to enjoy the end of the year and the remaining days of Christmas!


  5. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family Solveig! I am catching up on your Advent Calendar posts and really enjoying them. I have always loved looking into all the different ways Christmas is celebrated around the world. It’s so special. Thanks so much for the cup of tea and the chocolate. Lindt Dessert boxes have been half-price for a few weeks and I’ve become rather addicted. I’ll be turning my nose up at regular chocolate after being so indulged!
    Take care xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Rowena! We have ben swapping wishes a lot lately! Enjoy the last few days of 2015 and have a great new year!
      Thank you for all those comments, I hope that the authors of the posts will find the time to reply to your lovely words.
      Now this Chocolate is very different from anything Lindt does, the blue one you can see is made with Red Currant Ganache and Chillis… but I’ll be doing some chocolate reviews (ok they will most likely be reviews of Zotter chocolates…).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Geoff, well I have two guest already. But I have no idea how to go about it, ask people directly or post a call for participation, well I will see. In the meantime if you have a tradition you would like to share, do let me know.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. It is not too late to wish you a merry Christmas. So “Happy Christmas and happy Christmas time” to you all, most of all to the Little One who has marvelled so much on this big day!
    Thank you for hosting the Advent Calendar and take some time to rest and enjoy your family and your presents. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Camille!
      You are welcome, it was such a joy having you and the others share your stories.
      Enjoy the rest of the year and the remaining days of Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. No glaring from me. What a most lovely post! I love traditions and we also put up our tree on Christmas Eve. I shall have to look back at this Advent Calendar you speak of!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just put up a post listing all Advent Calendar posts, it will make the navigation and reading a lot easier…
      Thank you, it’s just not all that Coffee Share like…

      Liked by 1 person

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