If we were having coffee – 16/01/2016

If we were having coffee, then we would be having a nice cup of tea. It’s your pick, there is so much tea to chose from. We would be listening to some music, as little one loves listening to music. At the moment we are enjoying the album Declaration of Dependence by Kings of Convenience. Would you like a nice crêpe? I have some homemade ones left from breakfast.

If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you are doing. So how are you? Then we’d talk about our respective plans for the weekend and the week to come. What are your plans my dear friend? We’d most likely have chat about what happened since you last joined me for coffee tea. Did you have a good week? Did you do anything out of the ordinary?

If we were having coffee, then I’d let you know that I have been slacking a bit when it comes to my blog. Did you notice? I missed a total of 3 days. I am not too happy with that, I like being a daily blogger. I do of course have excuses for each missed day, but still. I missed Sunday due to my daughter being sick, Wednesday  because I had to call Amazon as there was a problem with a parcel (it was in shreds), my writing time was gobbled up by that as I was quite busy in the rest of the day, and Friday because I concentrated on my accounting and had a non cooperative toddler. This past week, the most beautiful sunshine did twice turn out to be a trick to lure us outside. Twice we were rained on, and at both times there was hail too. I spent some quality time with my mother, as well as a little bit of time with my sister who is in Paris until tomorrow.

I am still in a bit of an aftershock regarding the fire from last week. I found a video on the twitter account of the fire brigade, it was not pretty… One of my neighbours told me that there could have been an explosion of a fuel tank, if they would have arrived an hour later, now if it is true or a rumour, I don’t really know. It was one of my neighbours who had called the fire brigade, I guess the fire must have been going on for a while at that point already. I am so grateful that the Parisian firemen are very very professional, they are actually part of the army, and the largest fire brigade in Europe (thanks wikipedia 😉).

This week I had the possibility to work a bit more than usually, I prepared a very nice young lady for a telephone interview in German, I do hope that it did help her confidence. Besides that I have had major cuddle-alarm. Since my daughter’s cold she has been in a need for hugs all day, every day.

ripped parcel Oh yes, I received a belated Christmas gift from S this week. It was a book we ordered on amazon and which arrived in a poor state (the parcel was ripped to shreds and the book a bit crumpled). It’s My Father and Other Liars by Geoff Le Pard, a fellow blogger, who was a guest for my advent calendar on the 21st of December 2015. I had the amazon customer service call me, and I must say that they were very understanding of the problem and reimbursed me straight away. I am not too happy with the postal service though… I am really looking forward this read and will most likely write a review.

Have you read anything good lately? Anything you can recommend?

I hope that you’ll have a great weekend. Are you joining the #weekendcoffeeshare too with a post of yours? Then add it to the linky on Diana’s blog Part-Time Monster, that’s also the place where you can find all of our post at a glance  (currently her post is not up yet).

© Solveig Werner 2016. All rights reserved.

19 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 16/01/2016

  1. Happy Saturday to you Solveig. I’m not sure whether I’d entirely blame Amazon for the dreadful state of that packaging. This might be something of a conspicacy theory but I’m sure Geoff’s book was trying to either do a runner or see the sights of Paris before arriving at your place.
    If you check out my post (I wouldn’t call it a review), I photographed the book in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna park and our beach.
    My effort was more of a publicity tour.
    I’ve re-used the photo of Lady reading his book a few times.
    Have you read his first book? It’s a great read as well. I did intend to review that one as well but time slipped away. I still intend to get around to it!
    xx Rowena
    PS Had better go and write my coffee share.


    1. I blame the postal service. It was in my letter box, else I would have been in the obligation to refuse the parcel. I did even read that when a parcel is in such a bad state the postal service is meant to not deliver it and return it to amazon…
      I do hope that it got to see some sights, but I doubt it.
      I have not read his first book yet, but this one is starting out great that I am definitely going to poke my nose into the first one too, and the blogging world seems to be very much in awe regarding his books. 🙂
      Have a great Tuesday (or is it Wednesday already?) Rowena, Solveig


    1. I was serving all day. I will probably have some crepes or pancakes later this week again, so feel free to come and say hello. Else I still have some nice chocolate.


  2. Hope your daughter is better now. Daily blogging is something I could do only during the month-long marathons. I find it too taxing otherwise, so kudos to you for doing that 🙂 I hope you enjoy the book. Let me know how it was? Am adding books to my list for 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For now I have read a few chapters, and I must say that it is a good read, I will hopefully do a review of it once I am done.
      I have missed another day in blogging, so I am no longer a true daily blogger, but I do enjoy it. Most of the time it is possible, and helps me structure my day. My daughter is doing better now, she still wants way more hugs than usually, but about that I cannot complain.
      Thank you Shailaja for stopping by, Solveig

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  3. Nothing scares me like fire. I really appreciate any one who figts frie. Once when we were volunteering we had 15 minutes to move the motor home. I grab my purse and Kato and got our car out. Bob dropped the motor home attachments and got it moved. It turned out the backfire save the historical and refuges building..
    A book I read recently that is being released January 22 A SCONE TO DIE FOR by H. A. Hanna. It had me laughing and smiling as I read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is definitely a scary thing, maybe because we are at risk and are suddenly very weak and fragile. It is something that can overpower us and our minds.

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    1. Me too. It must have been bad (it was massive in terms of space occupied), no one is allowed to access the building for the next two months as there are cracks in one floor and another sunk by 10cm.
      I just started Geoff’s book, and am hocked, I am glad to finally have it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Glad to hear that things are settling down after the fire and that a large-scale disaster was averted. It’s certainly a scary thing.

    I’ve been doing nothing but reading lately, which has really cut into my writing time. It’s been a nice change, though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. haha…I have been–time to get back to the grindstone, though! Speaking of—just shoot me an e-mail about the Carnivale/Mardi Gras traditions post and we’ll brainstorm. 🙂

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  5. Fire is one of those things that scares the bejeezus out of me.
    I admire bloggers who can write every day. I compose all the time… just don’t get it down!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I try to do it every day. As my work only takes little time in the week and I am a full time mom, there should be massive time to write. Sometimes though I have everything written in my head, and when I sit down to write it all evaporates, not fun…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That happens to me all the time! Story forming in my head while I walk the dog, get home, do this, that and the other thing…no story written down!
        I like the *should* be massive time! Been there!

        Liked by 1 person

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