If we were having coffee – August 29th

If we were having coffee, I am not sure where I would take you. Maybe go for a walk in the park, go to the big sandbox before it gets too hot? Or maybe watch little one try to climb her favourite tree (she’s there soon)? Or maybe go to my parents’ house (my dad has an expresso machine) as I left my phone there last night? Or maybe have a nice cup of tea at my place (but it’s “old” now, our new orders of tea will soonish arrive from China and Taiwan, I hope)?

If we were having coffee, you’d probably tell me that I have not joined in the fun for a while, well I have my excuses (see last time I joined). I would ask you if there is anything you really want to tell me. So what do you want to tell me? You would probably hint at my blog emptiness during August. Come on, it’s AUGUST, and I live in FRANCE.


Here most things have been closed (not all, S. had to work), for example there was no good bakery around that was open, there are less metros than normally, and RER A (a major suburban line) was shut down for about a month! All of this meant that in August I did not really work either, as all of my clients were gone…

You’ll tell me that that is not excuse for not blogging. Well I did blog, a tiny tiny bit. You should look at my August archives… And why did I not join coffee shares? Well we went to a wedding, then I was in Austria, then I was traveling back home, and well this weekend I can, and am having you over for coffee.

Yesterday, I finally managed to blog again. I started writing about our trip, actually about the train ride there, and I will hopefully continue to tell you stories from our time in the alps, with many nice and colourful photos.

A sneak preview of what sort of fairytale pictures you’ll see soon…

This beautiful picture was taken in Tirol, Austria on my birthday. I almost forgot to mention my birthday in the post… My birthday started with a  jealousy crisis, as my daughter realised really quickly that she would not be the center of all attention that day. I received some beautiful presents, some of them by the people from the guest house we were staying at. Once I got back to Paris, S gave me a book on the philosophy of time, so that I can do some quality research for my writing. Because you might know, that I love incorporating time into my stories, and my oh so neglected WIP is about time too.

I have one question for you all, especially now that I have seen some of you disgruntled with word press lately. Does your blog sometimes decide to post a post as a page without warning you? This happened to me yesterday, and was a bit difficult to sort out.

And before I send you off, to check out the other coffee shares over at Diana’s (who hosts this weekly linkup and provides the lovely badge above) site Part-Time Monster, please let me know if there is anything that I  have missed in August on your blog that you think I might enjoy? I tried to read, like and comment a bit with my phone while away, but still… Besides that I am starting to consider setting up a twitter account, so that I can share the posts I like a lot easier. What do you think?

Thank you so much for stopping by, Solveig (oh and if you are wondering, the picture was taken by me and is as almost always hosted on flickr)

22 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – August 29th

  1. Hi Solveig – Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Solveig, Happy Birthday to you. If we were having coffee, I would sing that song for you and then you would ask me please to stop. Maybe we could have birthday cake with our coffee. Yumm!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad to hear that you’ve had a good August and a happy birthday, too! Everything speeds up here in August, as kids are going back to school and so are university students.


  3. your trip to Austria sounded wonderful. Glad you had a chance to take some time for your birthday, sounds like you had fun. It has been a while since I have been to Austria. Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      But after such a slow down, it does take some time to get back into it to. Hopefully I have embarked on a positive bogging streak for the weeks to come, but one never knows.


  4. If we were having coffee (and I don’t mind if it’s the park, sandbox, your parents’ house or your pad), I’d ask questions about your trip and your birthday celebrations. I’d tell you that August is usually quiet for me, but turned into an exceptionally busy month. I haven’t been posting as much as I would like either, but I have a novel to finish and a deadline looming! I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thanks for coffee! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. well if there is a novel and a deadline, then you are definitely excused… I did notice you posting less, but so was I.
      I do hope to read more on your blog soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Austria, I’ve never been but your pictures look amazing. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.


    1. Thank you. I tried to make the most out of summer, but I ahem the feeling that I even lived this spring more consciously than normally.
      My birthday was great, except that I was far away from my fiancé and that my daughter was a bit jealous of me. When my sister (she showed up in Austria the day before my birthday) gave me a hug in the morning my daughter started crying, she felt that not everyone and everything would orbit around her that day…

      Liked by 1 person

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