D is for Door – A to Z Challenge April 2015

He could not forget that moment when he saw her for the first time. Each time he sees a big blue door he thinks back to that moment.

It was a spring morning, he had just shut his front door and was on his way to work, when he caught sight of a young, beautiful woman standing in a doorway. She was leaning against the frame of a blue door, her eyes closed with the sun caressing her skin.

He wanted to approach her, ask her out for a date, or just tell her the truth: “you are beautiful, and I think that I am in love with you”.

But he did not dare, he was late for work, and worried that she might not be interested.

On his way back home he pictured her leaning against the blue door, but that was only in his imagination, there was no one there. He regretted not having talked to the beautiful stranger that morning. Would he ever see her again? Was there a possibility that she could love him too?

The ringing of the doorbell woke him from his sleep.

He opened his apartment door, and to his surprise, it was the young woman he had seen the day before, in her hands a letter. “I think this one was put into my mailbox by mistake”.

He looked into her eyes and they kissed in the doorway.

Written by Solveig Werner

10 thoughts on “D is for Door – A to Z Challenge April 2015

    1. Thank you 🙂 It just flowed onto the keyboard, I hope that the other letters will work out fine too, even though I have some done already I have to find my inspiration for E and F, which are up next…

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      1. I was thinking on doing short stories along the way but we’ll see how that works out. Maybe if I find myself stuck on a letter I might consider a story 😃 I prepared E but I still haven’t thought up F.

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        1. I can tell you that for E there will be another short story. I am realising that I do enjoy writing short stories. Probably once April is done I’ll join in the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers, I have seen that you do that, and it does look a lot of fun.
          Thank you for all the support 🙂

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          1. You’re welcome and it makes me very happy to know you will be a part of Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. Priceless Joy (the host) is such a great person you’ll enjoy her challenges 😃

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  1. Reminds me of an O. Henry story–the admiration of a stranger, but not wanting to ruin the allure by actually interacting with her, but fate brings them together anyway. Very sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

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