Love – L – A to Z Challenge

You are loved! Someone or something within this universe loves you. There is someone looking up to you. There is someone willing to help you. Just ask. You are loved! If you don't show up for work, without a warning, your colleagues might wonder or even worry, where you are. If you go quiet on … Continue reading Love – L – A to Z Challenge

Flowers – F – A to Z Challenge 2019

Every day he gave me a flower. Sometimes it was a bought arrangement.Sometimes it was a wild flower.Sometimes it was a picked flower.Sometimes he gave me a dried poppy .Neatly tukked into the pages of his favourite book.Sometimes it was free.Sometimes it was store-bought.At times it was cheekishly taken from a public garden.Or from behind … Continue reading Flowers – F – A to Z Challenge 2019

Happy Birthday Erasmus!

It was very cold the day that we went to visit Schindler's factory, so cold that the pen my professor was meant to use to sign my report card was frozen, after trying a few pens, we finally found someone who had ink that didn't freeze at the temperatures we were going through. It was the last class that I would attend in Poland during my Erasmus exchange...

When a dog changes everything… Book review of Buster & Moo by Geoff Le Pard

Book review of Buster & Moo by Geoff Le Pard Laden is having an affair while trying to secure a promotion, for nothing in the world does she want her boyfriend Mervin to find out that she's sleeping with a junior colleague. They don't talk much and seem to avoid the things that are really … Continue reading When a dog changes everything… Book review of Buster & Moo by Geoff Le Pard


3 Three years ago, I was having breakfast with S. I had spend an interesting night, contractions had ripped me from my sleep, but a shower later I was peacefully snoring again, the contractions continued. When I arrived in the Maternity Ward at 11:30am I was already at 4 or 5 cm. Things went quickly, … Continue reading 3

The Gift by Corina Carrasco | The Sundays of Advent | Day 11 | The Advent Calendar 2016

3rd Sunday of Advent | Day 11 | Advent Calendar The Gift by Corina Carrasco Vince had hidden the package from his wife for over a week. He was so excited to finally be able to give her this special gift. He had been so afraid that she would find the package that he had asked … Continue reading The Gift by Corina Carrasco | The Sundays of Advent | Day 11 | The Advent Calendar 2016