V is for V #AtoZChallenge

V is for V When I speak English I have a very strange accent. A mixture of American and British English depending on the words spoken and the people I talk to. When I moved to France and came back to the USA to visit a year later, everyone said that I had a British … Continue reading V is for V #AtoZChallenge

If we were having coffee 21 November 2015

If we were having coffee, then I would greet you with a smile and a hug. I would propose that we sit down for a warm cup of tea and a chat. You would probably ask me a whole lot of questions, which is understandable seen recent events here in Paris. I would assure you … Continue reading If we were having coffee 21 November 2015

O is for Oma – A to Z Challenge April 2015

Oma, Omi, Omama short for Großmutter or Großmama, are the names that are given to Grandmothers in German speaking countries, and I have over the years found out that people with a German grandmother, or one of German origin tend to call her "Oma" too. The term Oma is often used to describe an elderly woman in … Continue reading O is for Oma – A to Z Challenge April 2015