If we were having coffee – 16 May 2015

Good morning, if we were having coffee, as usual I’d propose something different. I am sitting here with some good Puh Erh, so I would propose you some of that.

If we were having coffee, well then I’d tell you that I am happy that I managed to squeeze you in somewhere today. In half an hour I’ll have to click you out, sorry, as one of my German students will be here for his lesson. I’d ask you if you think I should accept to do a lesson tomorrow, in the middle of the afternoon, or if you think that I should rather spend the time with my family?

I’d tell you that since we last talked, I had a good beginning of the week. Sunday and Monday were S.’s days off, so we made the most of it, we had the feeling that those two days were the equivalent of 4. I’d let you know that at the moment my sister is in town (she lives in Berlin), so I’ll be spending some time with her today and tomorrow. I’d love you to meet her, she is present in the blogosphere (with a great fashion blog), but hasn’t been active in a long time.

I’d tell you that I am not too happy with my writing, as I have not had the necessary time to sit down and write. So I am really hoping to come up with a good shot story for tomorrow, after all I schedule my Sunday posts in advance… Any prompts are definitely welcome 🙂 My time has been wisely used though, I don’t feel as if I lost any of it, it’s just that some things are a bit out of their equilibrium in my surroundings at the moment.

If we were having coffee (well tea) I’d tell you about how little one was all active last night, and started crying and screaming. We turned on the light to comfort her. Well… she was asleep and screaming, there was nothing we could do, nothing would could wake her. This was a first for us, because at night she always sleeps really well. I cradled her and she finally calmed herself and slid into a deeper sleep. She is still sleeping now (it”s 9:44 in the morning) and I hope that she’ll continue during my lesson.

If we were having puh erh, then I’d ask you many questions. How was your week? What are your plans for the weekend? Do you have anything planned for the week to come? Are you writing enough/being creative enough? I’d ask you if you are sharing your coffee too, it is a weekly event hosted by Diana over at Part Time Monster.

Then I’d tell you that it was nice to have you over for a chat, and that I am looking forward to next weekend. I’d apologies for not having a lot of time and for having left out so many things in our chat, such as my recent nomination for an award, thanks Melissa 🙂 .

Thanks for stopping by, Solveig

Weekend Coffee Share is a weekly event hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster.

15 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 16 May 2015

  1. Hello! Thank you for the puh erh and your conversation. My boyfriend and I are gearing up for Memorial Day Weekend for a caving event called Swine ‘n Dine. I’ve never been to this event before, so I need to see it to believe it. I’m looking forward to go caving for the second time (just a tish braver this time) and enjoying some good company.
    Take care of yourself and keep at your Muse 🙂 She will “cave” eventually!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was my pleasure 🙂 I hope your little one had a restful sleep and continued to feel relaxed and content during the lesson. Have a great week and I hope you get some writing in.

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    1. Oh she was the nicest baby ever during my lesson, she actually slept for most of it, and when she did wake she was an angel. On Sunday she slept until 11am, and now I am hoping that she’ll sleep a little longer as I have a commenting backlog and some work to do.
      I was meant to use yesterday to write, but there was no time at all. Now I haven’t written since Saturday, and it doesn’t feel good…

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  3. Sounds like a full weekend! I hope you’re able to take some time to relax this afternoon before the coming week and that the little one rests better tonight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was mostly a full Saturday, Sunday was all calm, we even watched a movie in the afternoon… Well little one managed to sleep in both on Saturday and on Sunday, which is great! And on Sunday she napped for a 3 hour stretch too, she’s been short on the whole nap thing lately.

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  4. Strange about the Little One’s sleep interruption. I’ve never had one that did that. I’ve had them whimper or moan in their sleep but no out and out crying or screaming until much older than yours. Poor child. I hope your week is stellar.

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    1. Maybe it was some sort of nightmare, my sister talks a lot and sometimes even walks in her sleep, so there might be something genetic there…


  5. Thanks for the Puh Erh. How old is little one? I’d tell you to take Sunday off to spend with your family. Solveig, where in the world are you living right now?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She’s almost 15 and a half months old. I did take Sunday off, because working in the middle of the afternoon isn’t too much fun. Still I have agreed to read through what she prepared on her own (she’s practicing for her oral exams), so I’ll have to get to that soon…
      I am currently living in Paris, but the plan is to someday move somewhere else, when we have the opportunity to do so.

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