Christmas is nearing!

It’s Christmas!

Well not quite yet. But in two months it will be Christmas. In two months from now, you’ll be sitting quite full next to a big pile of presents, not quite recalling who gifted you what and not knowing what you are going to do with all that stuff… Or maybe you are feasting with your loved ones, helping in a soup kitchen or you are trying to hide from all this Christmas cheer by travelling to a non-Christian country. Maybe you are skiing or slurping cocktails on a beach. Maybe you won’t even be realising that it is Christmas, or you might already trying to figure out how to sweeten your wait till the next one.

Speaking of sweetening the wait until Christmas, I have a big, very big announcement to make.


You know what I am talking about right? I know you do!

The Advent Calendar!

Congratulations! You guessed correctly, with Christmas approaching, it is time for me to broach the subject of the Advent Calendar.

Wait you have no idea what is going on? Then let me tell you. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 a lot of lovely and talented bloggers contributed stories, poems, pictures, memories to a multi-contributor blog-based Advent Calendar. (I was a bit overwhelmed the last edition that I still haven’t written up the overview post, I will try to do that by mid-November…).

And even though I took quite a long blogging break, I always knew that I had to be back in bloggingland in order to host the 4th edition of the Advent Calendar.

What am I looking for? Like always I am looking for creativity! I want stories, poems, pictures, songs that fit the season. At least 24 posts by ideally 24 guests are needed, but more a definitely welcome (I like to make the Sundays special and treating everyone to a few more tales), and I know some guests will be participating twice, just because it is so much fun and someone always forgets or doesn’t remember that they signed up…

So up there you have the form to fill out if you want to participate. You can tell me what you want to write about. If you have a preferred date, include your top 3 dates, if not I’ll give you the next date possible.

I hope that you will want to participate!

If you are worried, don’t be. You don’t need to be a superstar blogger to be part of the Advent Calendar. As for copyright, you’ll keep the rights to your piece and you can publish it anywhere, I am just providing you with a modest platform, you can send me something (not in the form please, but in an email later on) that you have already published on your blog in the past.

Other useful bits, deadline ideally by the 25th of November. But I know that that is too difficult for most people. So, the deadline is once you are done send it to me, at the latest 7 days before your post is going to go up, that way if there is a problem (spam folder, broken inbox, you forgot, I am overbooked), we’ll get the post up there on time!

I am looking forward to having you as a guest again.

Feel free to share this invitation far and wide!

(for anyone wondering, the drawing was originally in colour, but as I took finished it too late in the evening the picture wasn’t too great and playing with filters made it come out a lot nicer than the original…)

2 thoughts on “Christmas is nearing!

I won't bite, seriously!

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