A new adventure

It is September, which means it’s la rentrée, or back to school, work, etc, it’s like the new year just even more so, it’s a moment for new beginnings.

It’s the end of a long day… The kids are sleeping and as S is in London, meaning that I have the evening all to myself. I shall try not to go to bed too late, as tomorrow we have to get up earlier than today.

The girl (I cannot call her little one anymore can I? She’s a big sister now, and over a meter tall!) had her first day of Ecole Maternelle today. When I dropped her off at 9:30 this morning (tomorrow that will be 8:30), she was a bit perplex that I hung around, she more or less wanted me to leave. A little more than two months ago, we visited her school, and since then she’s been impatient to go.

So for her, a new adventure started today. I met my best friend in Kindergarten, so I hope that she’ll form some long lasting bonds with friends of her own. It’s also the start of being within the education system, the first day of many.

For myself, this means that I will be spending more one on one time with the boy, something we haven’t really done much since his birth (ok the girl spends a good part of her day with her head in books, and she cannot read yet). I will be able to focus a bit more on work and my blog, now that he’s almost 6 months old it will be easier, especially if the girl is taken care of during part of the day.

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