Why He Came by Rachel Rawls | Day 9 | Advent Calendar 2016

Advent Calendar 2016

Day 9 | Advent Calendar

Why He Came by Rachel Rawls

This Christmas poem was written by my mother. I would like to share it with you, with her permission, to get into the spirit of the holidays. It’s a poem about the Christian holiday and the meaning behind it.


“Why He Came”


The Christmas tree

Shines full of light

Presents below

Stockings hung tight

Children asleep

Wait for mornings first dawn

They jump from their beds

To see presents—What fun!


Beauty surrounds

This cheery Holiday

Love, joy, laughter, peace

So they say,


But let’s take a look back

To the first Christmas night

When a couple had to go

Down a dark road in flight,


Each town where they stopped

Had no room for them there

A child would be born

But no one seemed to care.


So into the stable

Where animals lay

The baby was born

And was laid in the hay.


The shepherds were watching

Their flocks on this night

When suddenly there appeared

Angels and light,


“No more in darkness,”

Their voices were raised,

“Glory to God in the highest!”

Their voices sang praise.


For God looked down

From His home above,

He saw mankind

And He thought of love.


Baby Jesus He sent

To stop out of time

To die on a cross

For your sins and mine,


For He brings salvation

This pure Son of God

So holy and blameless

So full of deep love,


He takes away sin

And the burden you bear

Is lifted from you

No more worry or care.


One step for you

That is all that it takes

Just trust that He came

And died in your place,


The life that He gives you

Is true peace my friend,

Not something from man

Because this will not end.


And now when the tree

Shines bright in your home,

Think of this message

That’s told with this poem.


—Written by Rachel Rawls


Note from the contributor:

I and my mother both enjoy writing poems and short stories. I collected the best of them and published them as a book, Bleeding Heart, which has been a fun and valuable learning experience. May this season be a special time filled with blessings and love for each of you. Thank you for reading, and Merry Christmas!bleeding_heart_cover_for_kindle


Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Bleeding-Heart-Elizabeth-Rawls/dp/1500639850/ref=sr_1_30?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410801252&sr=1-30&keywords=Bleeding+heart

Blog: https://rawlse.wordpress.com/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5066812.Elizabeth_Rawls

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VChronicles_

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/111285701597371427851

Tumblr: http://vchronicles-rawlse.tumblr.com/

Author Bio:

author-e-e-rawls-fantasy-writer-newE.E. Rawls is a soon-to-be author currently residing in New England. Europe is the source of her writing inspiration, after having lived in Italy for six years. A time spent road-tripping through the Alps, exploring castle ruins and dungeons, wandering Victorian towns and tucked-away villages, discovering their hidden legends. She now lives off of coffee, games, and bookshelves, with goals to one day master the arts of drawing, riding a dragon, and speaking Tolkien’s language of the Elves.
Sign up for her newsletter http://eepurl.com/2F36f so you won’t miss when her book Strayborn debuts!

17 thoughts on “Why He Came by Rachel Rawls | Day 9 | Advent Calendar 2016

  1. Reblogged this on willowdot21 and commented:
    Hi this is part of Solveig Werner’s at https://solveigwerner.com Advent Calendar. Day 9 | Advent Calendar, Why He Came, by Rachel Rawls. A beautiful poem to remind us of the true story of Christmas . I shall be trying to reblog the entries daily! By the way my entry is December 22nd. Happy Advent . Enjoy. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

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