The Scent of Roses

The Scent of Roses

When my parents got married almost 24 years ago my mom had a beautiful bridal bouquet. The roses were vivid in colour, red, pink, yellow. The colours were strong, not the faint pastel tones one is used to for weddings. My mother was not wearing white either, she wore a black dress with a light pink blazer.

RoseAnd how they smelled these roses, they were real roses! Their scent was that of garden roses and not that of most commercially grown roses.

When I was a little girl, the scent of roses often lingered in the air. Sometimes it was a fresh bouquet on the table that gave off the lovely smell, but my memory mostly goes back to a certain street, where the sweet odour of the flower contemplated by Juliet could be smelled. In that street, the local florist grew their own roses. A field of summer roses does smell heavenly! It was there that my parents purchased the roses for their wedding.

Today, I put my nose into a light pink rose and took a vitalizing breath. It smelled just like those roses of my early childhood. I was reminded of my mother and of her love for fresh roses. I smiled. This rose growing in a public promenade close to my home was a real garden rose.


This post is my contribution to this week’s #weeklysmile, kindly hosted by Trent.

© Solveig Werner 2016. All rights reserved.

11 thoughts on “The Scent of Roses

  1. Memories are so intertwined with scents and scents memories. A beautiful scent for a beautiful memory of your childhood More importantly, beautiful memories of your mother. May the good memories return every time you walk that way. Great smile 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes, wonderful post…..honeysuckle brings back wonderful memories of my childhood for me. Thanks for the reminder – I’ll be watching for honeysuckle now and stopping to sniff!


  3. I love roses. 🙂 I used to work at a florist who bribed the local growers with freshly baked chocolate cookies so she could get first pick on their batches. I love purple mini roses best. Their smell is so intense, and so wonderful.


  4. Pretty photos! My sister-in-law carried a bunch of red roses at her wedding. She bought them loose and then tied them with periwinkle ribbon. It was so simple and elegant, just like your mother’s must have been.
    I do love the scent of roses too, but for me, it think they would come in second to the scent of lilacs. Something about their smell just makes me happy.


  5. That’s wonderful that you have something that will always remind you of your mother. If you ever smell roses when there are none nearby, you will know your mother has stopped by to visit you. Beautiful!


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