If we were having coffee – 12 September 2015

If we were having coffee, then I would greet you with a big smile.
Come in! Sit! I am so excited to have you here today!

But before I tell you why I am jumping up and down, how are you? What have you been up to since last time you joined me for a drink. Sorry, still no coffee here (but that does not mean that you have to leave now). What about a nice hot chocolate? I’ll even add some vanilla.

After I have asked you a ton of questions, you’d probably want to know what I have been up to this week, an of course what the big news is.

So, this week I went back to work, and I really enjoyed it. I went to the new park not far from here, the Martin Luther King Parc, took a lot of pictures, that way I can decorate my future article about it.
On Thursday afternoon, little one started to sneeze, and the situation deteriorated quickly in a night marked by a big fever. But nothing could wipe the smile of her face.
I have managed to blog quite a bit this week, but none of my other writing projects have advanced in a long time now. Yesterday I posted a list of some of my favourite blogs.

And now to the news, my blog is celebrating it’s 6 month anniversary!!! The first post went up on the 12th of March 2015! Since then so many things have happened, I now have almost 200 followers, and almost 100 posts (this is number 97). A few weeks ago, an author, who I could find no where on the internet, wrote me an email, thanking me for the review I had posted here.  In order to celebrate these 0.5 years of my blog, and because I have been asked where I can be found… I have decided to set up a twitter account. You can now find me as @SolveigJW
When my blog started out, I did not have a lot of followers, and there are some posts that I would love to share with you. Such as this one about an artist we met on a walk.

In order to make navigation easier, now that I am no longer a novice, I am trying to reorganise my menu/categories/tags, meaning that things might be a bit messy and harder to find over the next few days. I also want to try to establish something that resembles a schedule, on Mondays there will be a photo with its story, on Tuesday I’ll try to join #BlogBattle, on Fridays it’s book review day, on Saturdays it’s Weekend Coffee Share. I’d love to do a regular (maybe monthly feature) of having authors for interviews, I really enjoy doing interviews and have not done any in ages.

If all of this wasn’t enough, I have another reason to celebrate. On Monday I will be doing my first ever guest post. Ula is kindly having me on her blog Confessions of a Broccoli Addict as part of her Monday Inspirations Series. I am so exited!

Now it’s time for you to leave, and head over to Diana’s Blog Part-Time Monster, check out the Coffee Share Linky, join in with your own post and read those of the others. As it is raining I hope you have equipped yourself with an umbrella, if not, I will lend you one. And if you were wondering, the badge on top of the post, well it is kindly provided by Part-Time Monster.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining me for coffee (hot chocolate?), Solveig

© Solveig Werner 2015. All rights reserved.

24 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 12 September 2015

  1. Happy 6 months anniversary. Your blog is almost the same age as my daughter. 🙂 and what an impressive progress! Look forward to your guest blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary and followers! I also located you on Flickr and love your photographs!! Thanks for the chat! Always a pleasure.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you had such a positive week! Hope your little one is all better. The new ideas for your blog sound great. I’ve been thinking I need to get myself on a schedule too. It makes it so much easier to organize the old brain that way.😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She’s all fine now, even skipped today’s nap…
      I have been sort of sticking to a schedule, but now I am trying harder by announcing it 🙂


  4. First of all congrats on your .5 Anniversary – your blog looks awesome! I love hot chocolate by the way almost as much as coffee, but never had one with vanilla, interesting. I followed you on Twitter!
    Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the congratulations and the follow (followed back).
      It still needs a bit of organising, so that no one gets lost (or should I say that posts can be found and read…)
      Vanilla added to hot chocolate is just heavenly! It has to be real vanilla though.
      Have a great week!


  5. Happy 6 months! This means I’ve been reading your blog since almost the beginning. You’ve really accomplished a great deal in just 6 months. You have lots to be proud of. I am so glad to have you for Monday. Thanks for the two mentions in a row. And welcome on Twitter. It’s a lovely space with some wonderful people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Yes, almost since the beginning, thanks to the A to Z Challenge 🙂
      Your words are so kind! Oh your blog is great and does deserve a few mentions here and there.
      The welcome on twitter has been so warm.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations on your 0.5 anniversary. Exciting times, sorry to hear your little one has been poorly, high temperatures in little ones are never fun. I like the idea of your weekly schedule and look forward to connecting with you more on Twitter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She is better now. She’s rather strong and sick for her means 24 to 48 hours at the most… It wasn’t the best night I had, that’s for sure.
      I hope that I can stick to my schedule, well it’s been sort of around for a while now…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy 6 month blogiversary!

    I feel you on the re-organizing. Best to do it now. When I re-vamped the blog this summer, I had a few hundred posts to re-categorize, and it was a right pain.

    And welcome to Twitter. 🙂


    1. Thank you!
      I want my blog to be easy to navigate, it being very wide spread in topics I really have to figure out good categories that work. I can imagine, I just have a little less than 100 and it already is a pain.
      Thank you, for the warm welcome you gave me on twitter 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome!

        And yes—I definitely should’ve put more thought into categories when I started, but I didn’t really have a clear notion of what I was going to be writing about in the long-term then.

        Liked by 1 person

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