If we were having coffee – 20 June 2015

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am a bit tired at the moment. My friend F. just left, we had lunch together and went to the park Monceau after that. Now little one is asleep and I finally have a moment to have you share a drink with me.

If we were having coffee, I’d propose some water, or some sirup, I’ve got organic apple pomegranate sirup or cola sirup. Or well if you want some milk I have that too.

How have you been? I haven’t joined in a weekend coffee share in a month now, last one was on the 23rd of May… can you believe that? I am hoping to have you over a bit more regularly in the months to come. Is there anything that I missed on your blog? I have only been back since Monday…

How has your week been? Mine was quite calm, I only worked once since coming back from vacation (no I did not leave on a 3 week holiday, just didn’t blog for 3 weeks) and that was last weekend. This week most of my students have exams, and then once July starts the holidays kick off too. I do hope that I’ll get some new students over the summer break.

Blogging wise I’ve had a fun week, there were quite a few writing challenges and short stories. Yesterday I put up a book review of a book that I read over my holidays. I have also read some great blog entries, and have tried to let the authors know as much as possible that I enjoyed their writing. I signed up for the Summer Reading & Writing Program hosted by Nerd in the Brain, but have not really started yet. I will hopefully do so soon?

What are your plans for the week to come? Do you have anything special in the works for midsummer night / longest day of the year / first day of summer tomorrow? I have nothing special planned yet, but if I can finish it today, I’ll post my entry to this weeks writing challenge hosted by Ula @ the Confessions of a Broccoli Addict, the theme is Picnic, which definitely suits the seasons of this weekend. I think that I might also share some vacation memories and maybe even a recipe. Then of course I should try to squeeze in a book review on Friday, and would like to join Mel’s Midweek Writing Menagerie too. I have been tagged in the love/hate challenge and should take care of that too. But for now nothing is set in stone, but it might be a busy week ahead, at least when it comes to blogging.

Would you like to join others for coffee? Then head on over to Diana who hosts the weekend coffee share on her blog, Part Time Monster every Saturday. Check out her post and the link up to see what others have been up to.

Have a great weekend, and a great week to come, Solveig

Some photos I took during my trip to the south of France (hosted on flickr)

Hand picked cherries form the garden

29 thoughts on “If we were having coffee – 20 June 2015

  1. It was great to catch up with you over a nice, tall glass of water. It certainly seems as though you are finding plenty of opportunity to catch up on writing and that’s wonderful. I’m taking part in the Summer challenge too, and am reading my first book from the list. I hope your week ahead is a productive one. If you do take part in the prompts, I hope you have a lot of fun 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope that I’ll continue to have time to concentrate on all that writing, I am not sure what to do with your prompt yet, but if I won’t make it this time, then it will be next. But for now my goal is to make it. After all good prompts are good practicing ground 🙂
      I would so love to find a story one day suitable for a novel and not just a short story, or maybe I should opt for a collection of short stories.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love using writing prompts to practice too, and so I really enjoy creating them for fellow writers. I enjoy short-story collections so that’s a nice idea. I’m sure there will come a time when you want to explore a short piece and make it novel length. These stories have a way of taking on a life of their own don’t they 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Water and those cherries would be perfect. I’ve been eating about a kilo of cherries a day recently. They’re one of my favorite fruits.
    Sounds like you’ve got a lot of writing planned.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry those cherries are all eaten, that was 2 weeks ago now, but I felt like sharing them anyways. They were amazing…
      Wow you are lucky, back from our holiday and the lands of free cherries we are shocked by the prices of cherries (8€/kg seems to be the average price).
      I do hope to get through my plans, but they aren’t set in stone, they are just a project for now.


  3. Glad to reconnect, those cherries look divine, much better than the ones I bought from the supermarket week. I celebrated the longest day by growing a year older, and have had a lovely day relaxing with my family, walking the cliff paths etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love those photos—and glad to see you again!

    I’ve had a busy 3 weeks too, and I haven’t managed to get all of my regular features done until just this week. I suppose that just happens sometimes. Glad to be getting back on track though.

    Liked by 1 person

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