The Gift of Now by Tara Paray | Day 1 | Advent Calendar 2016

Day 1 | Advent Calendar

The Gift of Now by Tara Paray

In the hurry and scurry of the holiday season, how can we notice the colors of the season flying by?

There are so many shades of red and green, and not just on holiday decorations. There are so many faces smiling, if you care to notice. Each day passes, and every moment is like snow on a sunny Sunday — here until it’s not. I try to hold on to the moments, but they slip through my fingers. I try to capture them in photos, but it’s impossible — the instant I attempted to snap is gone by the time the shutter clicks. img_5619

Another December is here, and soon, the end of another year. How fast it went, how fast it will go. No. I stop, and breathe, and remember — all we have is the best present, the gift of right now. If only I could wrap that in pretty paper with a big red bow and give it to every one I know…

Author Bio:

Tara Paray is a writer and amateur photographer. Connect with her at or on Twitter (@taraparay) or Instagram (/daisysmileyface).

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