let me recommend some blogs

The Sisterhood of the World Blogger AwardSome time ago I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Aquileana, who I would like to thank for thinking of me with this award, and not asking too many questions (actually there are no questions to be answered here). It is the second award that I have received so far.

Now I will go on and nominate 10 bloggers (it must be girls with this title) for this award, I will do my best to link to a more than interesting post on the blogs in question. All I ask of you my dear readers, is to check out the nominees blogs, leave a comment, a like, even follow these great blogs, they all deserve it. I might nominate bloggers who don’t accept awards, but I am just using this award to share some of my favourite blogs with you, so don’t be mad.

Diana of Part-Time Monster – Diana hosts the #WeekendCoffeeShare every weekend, this has helped me a lot finding new great blogs to follow and gain readers for my own blog. She has a weekly series which is called Monday Monsters, which is all about female monsters. Some of Diana’s posts have helped me understand what feminism actually is and embrace it.
Gulara – Gulara is a truly inspiring blogger, I discovered her through her appearances on Ula’s blog, Confessions of a Broccoli Addict, where she did the opening post for the Monday Inspirations series. Gulara’s writing makes me think about who I am deep down. I have learnt a lot about myself by just reading her blog.
Nerd in the Brain – Nerd in the Brain is a fun blog, that has opened my eyes to the fun sides of science. Now at the moment she is hosting the Go Play! Challenge, which is a lot of fun, and packed with activities that we can all manage to do. Care to join in?
Mel – Mel, short for Melissa, is a writer who spends a lot of time blogging, her blog is filled with great short stories, often the adventures of her books’ characters.
Robin and Heather of Write on Sisters – Robin and Heather, I am sure you all know them, their blog overflowing with writing advice, everything from characters, plot, suspense, Kindle Unlimited and surviving as a writer is covered by these two.
Ellie from A Writers Caravan – Ellie is another blogger, who I had also the pleasure of discovering through Ula’s Monday Inspirations Series. Her blog tells stories of her current life in London as well as her childhood in Marocco.
Lucy of Blonde Write More – Lucy has a fun bubbly blog, filled with questions and anxieties of a writer, and of course there is some cool creative writing here and there.
Rachel – Rachel hosts the weekly #BlogBattle (for over 6 months now), if you have not joined in the fun yet, maybe now is the moment, if not you can always vote. And soonish I might have Rachel as an interviewee on my blog, wouldn’t that be fun?
Alex – Alex is a blogger living in Japan, I discovered her blog during the A to Z Challenge this April when her posts were full of beautiful pictures showing different aspects of life in Japan.

And if this is not enough blogs to check out, well then head over to the Real Neat Blog Award which I received earlier this year…

Rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:
Thank the person who nominated you (why is this even a rule? come on we know to say thank you by now…). Add the logo to your post. Nominate ten (10) bloggers of your choice and tell them about the nomination. Answer these questions (if there are any). When bestowing other bloggers with this award, You shall set your own 10 questions, if you wish.

I try to always credit others when the images are not mine, but I am not sure who to credit for the badge, sorry for that.

© Solveig Werner 2015. All rights reserved.

27 thoughts on “let me recommend some blogs

  1. Solveig, thank you SO MUCH, your words mean the world to me! You keep me going, and I feel immense gratitude towards you right now. And to be listed in this line up is a true honour and a great compliment. So, huge heartfelt thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Gulara, you are so welcome. Your words mean so much to me too, hence your place on the list. I knew there was something missing (I didn’t include a link to your blog when I hit publish, argh, now it is all fixed).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Solveig! I’ll do my best to take on the challenge. I’m having trouble sticking to my editing goals right now. I think I’ve taken on too many tasks! School started. You’d think I’d have more time. LOL Looking forward to checking out some of these other blogs soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. haha I’m so afraid I’m going to have to be one of those blogs that doesn’t do awards any more. I appreciate them so much! I’m holding out as long as possible. 🙂 But it might take me a month or more to do it, too. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Thank you! This is such a wonderful surprise. The questions are always the hardest part of a blog award, I’m glad you skipped those. You’ve nominated many of my favorite blogs. There is only one blog in your list I haven’t read before. I’m off to correct that oversight right now. Thanks again for nominating us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww, thank you so much for the nomination!! I’m very glad you enjoy my blog. I knew a fair number of the other ones on your list, too, and they are all fantastic too, just like you! ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I would have nominated you, but I did that last time. But I managed to mention you anyways. Your blog is great!!!
          Are you going to post prompts in the future? They really got my creativity flowing…

          Liked by 1 person

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