Attention: Fairies, gnomes, dwarfs, and other magical creatures lurking everywhere

Attention: Fairies, gnomes, dwarfs, and other magical creatures lurking everywhere Austrian Adventures I am a bit short for words when it comes to writing about what I want to share with you today. Maybe it is just best that you see for yourself... With my mother and my daughter I went on a child friendly … Continue reading Attention: Fairies, gnomes, dwarfs, and other magical creatures lurking everywhere

S is for Snake – A to Z Challenge April 2015

In the depth of the woods, Sisi woke up hearing the chant of her favourite songbird. Her whole body twitched. "What a beautiful sound", she thought to herself whilst slowly uncoiling and slivering out of her comfortable nest. She often regretted how in the past this very type of bird had been on her weekly … Continue reading S is for Snake – A to Z Challenge April 2015