Once upon a time, in a dark wood by M.L. Kappa | Day 19 | Advent Calendar 2016

Day 19 | Advent Calendar Once upon a time, in a dark wood by M.L.Kappa Little Red fumbled at the door latch with clammy hands. It seemed stuck. Behind her she could hear panting as her grandmother struggled with the heavy blankets. She'd always hated the bristly old thing, who had doggy breath and long fingernails … Continue reading Once upon a time, in a dark wood by M.L. Kappa | Day 19 | Advent Calendar 2016

Discovering Traditions: May 1st and the Making of the Wreath by M.L.Kappa

Today, is the first of May, a day that is widely celebrated and that has various traditions attached to it. I am happy to have M. L. Kappa as my special guest for Discovering Traditions. You can find a list of all guest post that have appeared on my blog so far here, and you … Continue reading Discovering Traditions: May 1st and the Making of the Wreath by M.L.Kappa