How to make a blogger happy

National Blog Posting Month, NanoPoblano, NaBloPoMo, 2015There are many ways you can make a blogger happy. Maybe you have a friend or family member who blogs. It is not necessary that you blog yourself to make another blogger happy.

  1. Follow their blog, no need to join a blogging platform to do that,all of the people who follow my blog by email are actually people I know physically.
  2. Share a blog post on your social media, via email, tell your friends by word of mouth about that great blog you discovered.
  3. Comment on a blog post, many blogs allow you to comment without being part of a blogging platform. All you need to comment on my blog is a name, an email, and a comment.
  4. Talk to the blogger about the post you read and enjoyed, my mom did this recently, what fun! It’s like a comment but not written 🙂
  5. Rummage through a blog’s archive, bloggers like to check their stats and will be wondering who is giving them a little spike in views. 
  6. If you are part of WordPress, then hit the like button on the posts you like.
  7. If you have a blog, mention another blogger, a post of theirs in your post.
  8. If you have a blog, have a blogger do a guest post. Some people will never reply to a call to participate, but you can always send them a message to invite them. I am sure they’ll be flattered!
  9. Be honest! If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it though.
  10. Give virtual hugs to bloggers who have a heavy heart due to events in their lives, cheer them up! If a blogger has grown quiet, check on them and see if everything is alright. 

That’s just a list of ten things. How do you make bloggers happy? If you have a blog what does make you happy?

© Solveig Werner 2015. All rights reserved.

34 thoughts on “How to make a blogger happy

  1. I often see visitors to my blog but no likes. Of course I immediately think my content is stupid and nobody likes it or will comment and tell me why. Hmmm something to think about.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Deb,

      I know the feeling well. I used to post music that I wrote and played to a music forum. The worst thing in the world was when nobody bothered to look. Sometimes someone would post something that wasn’t very good and get a thousand comments telling them what they could do better. Why did mine get zero? Was it so bad people didn’t even want to touch it? It is a hard feeling when we aren’t acknowledge.

      For me it was my art I was putting on the line. For you it is your personal thoughts, it is “you” that is on the line. Why aren’t people acknowledging you? It is tough.

      I just looked at your last post as I had missed it earlier. Those are the types of posts that are hard – if I just click “like” it seems insensitive. Am I someone who just clicks through and likes everything? Or am I saying I like that your life changed 19 months ago and not for the better? If I read something I do usually “like” it, but with that type of post a “like” needs a comment. But what do you say? That’s hard, at least it is for me. I never know what to say.

      What I’m saying is that your content is not stupid in any way, shape or form. You are being honest and people sometimes have a hard time with honesty of this type. You are showing your pain and pain makes people uncomfortable. People don’t know what to say so they say nothing. I try to click “like” because I know that we need to be acknowledged. I’m sure you take the “like” as acknowledgement, but there is something that still seems insensitive.

      Keep posting as you want to. If you really want to change the format, do it because you want to, not to please the reader. There are people reading. And as Corina said, just writing it out has to help. And even if only a handful of people acknowledge it, you do know there are people out there. They have read and understood. You may be alone, but you are never alone. There are people in the world that are getting to know you online.

      I guess reading Solveig’s post I need to go back to your 19 post and give you a virtual hug, don’t I? 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you, Trent. I know what I write is highly sensitive. Maybe too much so. And I know it makes people uncomfortable. I don’t expect comments on my stuff, and I know sometimes a like doesn’t seem appropriate either because the reader may not ‘like’ my situation. I take their like as an affirmation that they understand or even acknowledge me. I usually will like a post just to leave a footprint that I was there. If, however, I am totally appalled by the content or it goes against my core values, I will not press that like button. Thank you tho for your insight. And thank you Solveig for allowing this discussion on your blog! 😏

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I think it’s just the word “like”, but I usually do use it like you, to show the blogger I’ve been there, read and understood.
          And yes, Thank You to Solveig for letting me steal your blog for a few minutes!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I feel like I am intruding on a conversation 🙂
            I have before thought about that word “like” too, because I see that button as a sort of read-receipt.
            You are welcome, I was impressed to see how it suddenly developed a life on its own.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. I have to agree! Write for yourself, write what you would like to read. But don’t write what you think others might want to read. That would just be like doing something because it might please someone…

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    2. Oh, you should not jump to such conclusions! A lot of people are shy when it comes to commenting. And then you might have readers that don’t have wordpress accounts and that cannot like for that reason. Or like Trent said, maybe sometimes the reader feels that liking is the wrong word, if then they are people who don’t comment…
      Belive in your blog!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for reminding me of all of that. I myself am often at a loss for the right words to comment on a blog or think my comment sounds silly, so I don’t send it.

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  2. This is a brilliant post! I’m sure lots of people will get a lot out of this. The bit about your Mum made me smile 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like your list. Blogging can be interactive and emotionally rewarding– especially when people follow your guidelines. Now, how do we get everybody onboard with this?! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ally. I remember when my early posts started receiving likes, that did make my heart jump a bit, someone likes what I wrote?!
      I have no idea, just hope that many people do read them, and share them. Bloggers and non bloggers alike.


  4. Oh, this is fantastic! I can’t even count the number of times people will like it, but never comment and I’m like ‘but… what did you like about it?’. I like to know how a post makes people feel because everyone interacts with a post differently. ^.^

    It’s for this reason that I try to comment on all the blogs I follow because I know how much I like it and I’m sure they like to hear what people have to say, too. (As you’ve probably noticed, Solveig. :p) After all, we have to support each other here in the Blogosphere and I think comments are one of the best, most interactive, ways of doing that. ^.^

    Wonderful post, as always!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, various reactions to a post are a great thing, everyone seems to like different things.
      i have noticed, don’t feel obliged to comment all the time. I am currently battling a backlog of visits and comments to do.
      Maybe you can get people to comment more if you have a nice catchphrase above the comment box? I have noticed that asking questions at the end of a post does incite people to comment more.

      thank you Melanie 🙂

      I have a small question, would you like to do an advent guest post on my blog in December? I’d really love to have you share a story, a memory, a recipe or what not that has to do with the holiday season. 🙂 Let me know and I’ll send you an email.

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      1. Haha! I know the feeling of having a backlog. At one point I was ten days behind on checking the blogs I follow. 0.0 I tried to go back, but gave up after I got to three missed days. It was too much! :p
        I try to put questions at the end of my posts, but I wonder if some people don’t read all the way to the bottom. You know?
        Oo! I would be honored to guest post on your blog! Thank you for asking! ^.^ I’ll start brainstorming right away!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. that’s when the archive hunting will start 🙂 and you’ll make a blogger happy as their stats spin. I’ll send you an email with the “guidelines” I can send it to the address you use for commenting?

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I agree with the previous comments to mine. My blog is built on a different host so as far as I understand no one can “like” my blog, but I would love to hear comments. My friends that don’t blog read my blog but don’t comment. Most of my on-line friends comment. Lately I have not been posting on my blog though. I debate whether I should keep it. But I want to expand my horizons.

    I hope more people read these wonderful suggestions. Excellent Solveig!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you can install likes on self hosted blogs which yours seems to be.
      You shall keep it! I deleted blogs in the past and am not happy with myself in the slightest about that! I saw that you don’t have a share on twitter button on yours, that might be something to add too…

      Thank you Gwynn

      Liked by 1 person

  6. #3. Oh, yes, that’s my craving. I continuously ask for comments from readers, seeming to no avail.

    I am an Author with no publishing credits to speak of. I have my paid website with WordPress, as well as a blog set up for my Fantasy/Adventure Sword-And-Sorcery WIP called “The Barbarian.”
    I know people look at some of what I post, but mostly the comments come from other participants of a writing prompt challenge called #BlogBattles, hosted weekly by Rachael Ritchey.

    So, with not getting comments, I don’t feel my writing is really worth continuing. People tell me physically that my writing is good, but I tend to think they are just being kind, which isn’t really.

    Thanks for the list! Some things to consider when I look at the blogs of others.

    — John

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    1. John, what about asking your readers questions, like “have you experienced such a situation?”, “what would you do” etc. It might help. I have started to almost systematically add questions at the end of my posts, and it does seem to help 🙂
      First rule of blogging (in my book): you write for yourself! Any readers that read, like or comment are bonus. Don’t throw in the towel, continue! I participate in the weekend coffee share every weekend, and I have found some amazing blogs as well as very loyal readers that way.
      I’ll have to go around to your blog, I know…
      thanks for commenting 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I just went to your blog, and I have a really hard time navigating it, maybe that adds to people’s reluctance to visit other posts than those you put into a linkup?


      1. If you would, email me as to the problems you have encountered. As stated, I get no real feedback, so don’t know what works or not. I do know the best way is to use the monthly drop down menu on the top of the page.
        I have next to no experience with setting up a website. All things I’ve done have been explorations, if you will.
        My email is
        Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. ok, I’ll have a look around. Well the monthly drop down only lets me see the last post done in that month. You can do a lot of things when you are on your blog in the customiser there you can add handy widgets such as categories, archives, last posts etc.


  7. I particularly like the last piece of advice here… I have a few blogging friends who have gone through phases of being pretty quiet and try to check in with them to make sure everything’s going well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I recently left a comment for a blogging friend who was an avid reader of my blog and posted a lot too, but had grown very quiet. She send me a lovely email thanking for my comment asking if she’s alright.
      Thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

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