4 Seasons in Paris

Not the music, not the hotels, not the pizza topping, no…

Last week, while outside I came across a strange phenomenon, a tree that seemed a bit lost. A cherry tree celebrating all four seasons at once!

Some leaves were coloured by the advancing autumn, some were green as though in the middle of summer, then there were signs of winter with there being only bare branches. But the reason this cherry tree attracted my attention was that about half the tree was blossoming!

Cherry blossoms in November in the northern hemisphere??

It does happen! See for yourself.

Autumn Cherry Blossom, Parc Monceau, Paris
Autumn Cherry Blossoms, Paris 12th November 2015

© Solveig Werner 2015. All rights reserved.

11 thoughts on “4 Seasons in Paris

  1. Here in the UK the Spring Bulb are already making a show through the ground. We don’t normally see the first signs until just after Christmas. I’m guessing it’s all to do with the recent very mild weather we have had.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a gorgeous photo! And sometimes a crazy phenomenon like that just happens. Best not to ask questions. ^.^ So cool that you found one and glad that you could share it with the blog world. Thank you for that!

    Liked by 1 person

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