V is for V #AtoZChallenge

V is for V

When I speak English I have a very strange accent. A mixture of American and British English depending on the words spoken and the people I talk to.

When I moved to France and came back to the USA to visit a year later, everyone said that I had a British accent, I really don’t think that I did, it was just different than what I had before leaving. When I moved to England a few years later most people said that I had an American accent, except for my very French pronunciation of “oops” and “Hermes”.

I very quickly took to the local dialect. Once while working in a restaurant in Paris a client asked me “are you from Newcastle?”
“How can you tell?” I asked, astounded that he could pinpoint my place of study that well.
“Well I studied in Durham and you like a real Geordie! So I figured that you are from Newcastle.”

Generally my pronunciation of things changes quickly and adapts in function of the people around me. If you don’t know where I am from, nor where I have lived so far, you’d probably be a bit lost if you heard me talk. Unless…

Unless you heard me start saying words containing the letter V. Like many Germans, I have a problem when it comes to the letter V. A “vending machine” was something with made my flatmates laugh at university, and well S is always giggling when I mispronounce “Harvard”. Not all words with a V are problematic, but some are more than others, in English and in French.

In the German language the letter V exists, but most of the time it is either pronounced as  F or W.

F: Vogel, Vater, vor, viel, von
W: Vase, Violine, Video, Vampir 

Violent Valery a violet Vampire volunteers for vaccinated vacationers voting on verified viruses.

During the month of April, I am participating in the A to Z Challenge, my theme is authenticity and eclecticism, which in my book go hand in hand.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post, then please feel free to leave a comment, to share it on social media and to follow my blog and twitter @SolveigJ

© Solveig Werner 2016. All rights reserved.

15 thoughts on “V is for V #AtoZChallenge

    1. well maybe from the American point of view we pronounce w as v, but for Germans V is either pronounced as a German F or W. In movies the pronunciation of “von” always annoys me, because it should be an f sound…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. no not really 🙂
        It would be logic to write it Folkswagen (this typo was corrected…) when I was in primary school there were so many v words that I naturally wrote with f. Fater instead of the correct Vater bugged my whole class, we all made that mistake over and over again…

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Don’t we all have some problem with one letter? I don’t like the letter R in English because the sound is no not French. For the longest time I purposely avoided words with the letter R so it would be easier to pronounce.
    See you for the letter W!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think so. Apparently the “th” is a big problem for many people, but with time I saw that independent of their origin this can be problematic, even for those who speak nothing but English.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reading this I could only think of the Star Trek movie where Chekov tires to say “nuclear vessels” – “nuclear wessals, wessals…” OK, Russian, but same idea 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, haven’t I had a late night education. I forget about the accent side of things with us all hooking up on the blog. Given my German heritage, I am aware of the V thing but hadn’t considered what your accent must be like. My accent is not strongly Australian as I come from a part of Sydney that speaks proper…LOL I do get asked if I’m from New Zealand.
    It is so late. We went to see Jungle Book at the movies tonight and still had to finish my post on Yeats. I need a month of sleep after this challenge is done.
    Hope you’re holding up well, Solveig!
    xx Rowena


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